What is USE-IT?
USE-IT is tourist info for young people, in almost 40 cities in Europe. We all publish free maps, most of us have a Facebook page, some have a website, or even run an info desk for young travellers. And we’re all working hard to get our cities into the smartphone app as soon as possible. Read more and check out the other maps here: USE-IT
What do we stand for?
• Made by locals: we don’t work with travel journalists but with locals
• Not commercial: nobody pays to be included on the maps
• USE-IT maps are free. You find them in hostels and tourist centres
• For young travellers: no 5-star hotels, no fancy dinners
• USE-IT is up-to-date: new editions are made every year
• Not a trendy guide: it’s about the life and soul of the city
• Honest: no publicity, no marketing nonsense